Why doesn’t an atheist believe in creation and God? How does he believe in all that science say and don’t think that there is God or a higher power?

Most atheists are atheists because they see no reason to believe in any gods. And science doesn’t provide any. It doesn’t deal with ‘explanations’ involving gods, because we have no way of testing them. What it does do is to provide alternative explanations that work; these allow us to control and predict events and phenomena that we couldn’t …

Why is it so difficult to reason with creationists even when there are mountains of evidence presented?

Because being a creationist, for most people, is not about knowing the truth or explaining the data. It’s a badge that you wear to show how devout you are. Nearly all the people who claim that they ‘don’t believe in’ the theory of evolution have no idea what it says or how it is supposed …

Don’t you find it odd that the more we remove God from the world, the worse this world gets?

‘The world’ for most humans is getting objectively better on every recognised scale. And people who live in secular countries tend to be happier, richer, longer-lived and more productive than those who live in predominantly religious countries. The notion that the world is getting worse is a theist myth fostered by apocalyptic movements that feed …

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