How can an atheist explain the spiritual world?

What is ‘the spiritual world’? Can you get, say, fifty people from different religious and mystical traditions to agree on what ‘the spiritual world’ is, and what its constituents are? Because without that, there isn’t anything to explain. Some people believe in things for which they have no evidence. If they all happened to believe …

Why do some scientists still believe Darwinism explains all life?

There is no such thing as ‘Darwinism’. The theory of evolution by natural selection, which is what you are probably referring to, doesn’t attempt to explain ‘all life’. What it explains is how and why new species come into being. Evolutionary theory has nothing specific to say about the origins of life, although it does …

What if the proof of God’s existence is beyond the mind? What if the reasons not to believe are the wrong ones?

If we can’t understand any of the reasons for believing in gods, then we have no reasons for believing in gods. If something is ‘beyond our understanding’ then we have to ignore it, because we can’t do anything else.

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