If you want to tell me the Real Truth about myself, you had better have a shitload of evidence.

This is in response to being asked to look at a downvoted response which contained the following: “The Real Truth is that God’s messages offend people; but people have itching ears and want to be caressed to sleep; they don’t want to wake up to the reality of their existence.” In response to your answer …

Why would anyone be an atheist? It seems it would take more “faith” to deny there is a God than to accept the truth that God exists.

‘Seems’ to whom? Presumably it seems to people who believe in gods that gods exist, and it seems to people who don’t that they don’t. Whether either side has reasons for their beliefs, and what they are, has been a matter of prolonged ongoing debate. It’s certainly not obvious that the theist side is any better …

Would an atheist rather die than to be forced to adopt a religion?

Atheism is not just theism on Opposite Day. Atheists in general are rational people, and can be relied on to behave rationally. That includes valuing our own lives and taking whatever steps are necessary to preserve them. There are already hundreds of thousands—perhaps millions—of covert atheists in theocratic communities, doing what is necessary to keep …

Why do people assign traits to atheists beyond non-belief in the same thousands of gods Christians don’t believe in, except one?

There are several factors involved here: One group of theists are still so heavily steeped in their religious upbringing that they genuinely find it difficult to understand how people can exist outside it. They are scrabbling for information about the strange people who do so in the same way that medieval Europeans scrabbled for information …

Do atheists think they are too smart to believe in God?

Atheists, by definition, don’t believe in any gods. That’s it. That’s all. The reasons why are many and varied, and like any other minority group, most atheists would find it insulting and patronising for someone to imply that we all ‘think’ the same about anything but the one issue that unites us. Statistically, atheism correlates to some …

If atheists’ prayers are answered after a dire situation, will they start believing in God?

If someone has prayed during a ‘dire situation’, then at that moment they weren’t an atheist. But generally speaking atheists are rational. If they obtain genuine evidence that prayer has worked, for themselves or anyone else, then they will believe it has worked. The details of how and why it has worked will need to be investigated; …

What is stopping you from escaping atheism and freeing yourself?

There’s no evidence to suggest that atheism is something that needs to be ‘escaped’ from, or that theists are any freer than atheists. Most atheists are satisfied that their beliefs are rationally deduced from evidence, and as such are more likely to be correct than any of the alternatives.

Are any atheists open to the possibility that at least one god may exist?

Atheists in general are rational people, and as such they are ‘open’ to any possibility which doesn’t contain a logical contradiction. But to make a rational person accept a possibility, it’s necessary to provide at least some evidence to support it; and this is something that theists have never been able to do. The difference between ‘possible’ …

Whether you want to believe in God or not, you cannot escape the presence of God in everything you do and everywhere you are, God loves you, so why be so determined to try?

One issue that always arises during civil rights movements is the ‘objectification’ of minorities; the blanket assumption that all blacks, or all gays, or all women feel and think the same way, and that what they think and feel is entirely the result of their minority status, with no bearing on reality at all. Questions …

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