Why does contemporary mankind think that God’s moral laws need to be amended or changed?

Many people think there is are such things as ‘God’s moral laws’, either because there are no such things as gods, or because providing or endorsing ‘moral laws’ is not one of the things that they do. Those who do think that there are such things can’t agree among themselves as to what those ‘laws’ are and …

If God didn’t exist, how do atheists explain who will punish evil people, criminals, terrorists, dictators, murderers, rapists, thieves, etc., after death?

There’s nothing to ‘explain’, because there’s no reason to think that anyone will be ‘punished’ or ‘rewarded’ after death for anything. It’s pleasant to think that people who have done things you disapprove of will somehow be penalised for it later, but we have no evidence that actually happens. That’s why human societies put so …

As an atheist, if you think objective morality exists, where does this come from?

When two or more people agree to follow the same set of decision-making rules, then they have—from their perspective—an objective morality. That doesn’t make it right or sensible, and it doesn’t imply the existence of any gods or other authorities; it simply means that the moral rules they follow, or claim to follow, come from …

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