Atheists, why is the universe so orderly? Why is everything not just chaotic?

The universe certainly started out chaotic, with subatomic particles flying every which way at high speeds. But over time certain things happened: Particles collided. Some of them annihilated each other, some of them bounced apart at lower speeds, having lost energy in the collision, and some of them joined together. Those that joined together began …

What do atheists think is the reason for paranormal activity?

There are no reasons for ‘paranormal activity’, because there are no paranormal activities. But there are plenty of clear, well-understood reasons for reports of paranormal activity, and here are some of them: People tell lies. People misinterpret their experiences. People misremember their experiences. People recounting their experiences elaborate and adapt them to what their audience wants to …

Being an atheist, how can an explanation be given that a blind force has created something as “advanced” as human consciousness?

Evolution by natural selection is not a blind force, or a force of any kind. It’s a description of a process extending over billions of years, which involves millions of different forces operating in millions of different ways on millions of different individuals. Some of these forces are blind; others are directed and purposeful, and …

Do you ever worry, even for a second, that what if you’re wrong and God does exist?

Very few Christians worry about whether their beliefs are incorrect and Buddhists, or Hindus, or Moslems, or Sikhs, are actually correct. And that’s usually because they know there is no evidence for the beliefs of Buddhists, or Hindus, or Moslems, or Sikhs. Very few Buddhists worry about whether their beliefs are incorrect and Christians or …

Have atheists ever asked God Himself if He is real and if the Bible is true?

Many atheists have, back when they were believers, and got no answer. Most of us are quite happy to do it again, if you can put forward the slightest reason to think that we will get an objective answer. But it would be a lot less work for your god if he just turned up and gave …

As an atheist, how will you justify yourself on the day of judgement?

We have no reason to think that there will ever be a ‘day of judgement’, and hence no reason to prepare for it. But if a deity ever asks atheists why they didn’t believe in him, then most of them will give the same answer they currently give human beings who ask the same question; …

If you don’t believe in God, where do you think consciousness comes from?

The only thing that atheists have in common is that they lack belief in gods. Most of them don’t care where consciousness comes from. Those that do have many differing individual opinions. But in general, being rational people, atheists will tend to adopt the views put forwards by experts in the field—neuroscientists, psychologists, medical researchers …

As an atheist what are your thoughts when you see so many people wearing crosses?

Atheists in general don’t seem to pay much attention to what people are wearing. Only a small minority of atheists regard other people’s beliefs as a topic of interest or value, and most of them are sensible enough not to make inferences about what other people think on the basis of the jewellery they have chosen to …

What turned you from a theist to an atheist? Do you have some strong evidence that God doesn’t exist or is it just easier to live a life without feeling ‘accountable’ to a higher authority?

It’s certainly much easier to live a life where you don’t have to reconcile bizarre Bronze Age beliefs with observed twenty-first century reality. But the main reason that people become and remain atheists is the same reason why you don’t believe in a mountain-sized rock levitating just above the place where you live—and why you would continue …

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