Why are most atheists averse to the idea that there might be a proof of the non-existence of God?

There’s a simple and obvious way to determine whether something exists or not, and that’s to look for it. If you find it, then it exists. If you don’t, and you’ve looked hard enough, then it probably doesn’t. Millions of people have been looking for gods for thousands of years, and they haven’t found any yet. …

Why can’t atheists answer a question about God or religion without referring to dragons, unicorns or flying spaghetti monsters?

Because they are useful analogies. They provide a way for us to try and get past the childhood indoctrination that causes many theists to start from the unassailable assumption that gods exist. Rather than trying to overcome that directly, we can draw parallels between gods and other entities which theists clearly regard as fictional. Hopefully, …

What’s the problem with atheists? No matter what evidence you get them, they just say, “there is no god and it’s fake”. They say it with huge confidence with no proof.

The ‘problem’ with atheists is the same as the ‘problem’ with people that don’t believe in unicorns. No matter how hard you try, you’re generally not going to get them to believe in your favourite mythical creature, because they have a commitment to evidence, and there is no evidence that mythical creatures exist. The best …

Why don’t atheists like to philosophically argue the existence of the gods?

Some atheists do. Others—like the millions of atheists in China—have probably never heard of philosophical arguments regarding gods. But for those atheists who are aware of these alleged arguments and don’t bother to engage in them, the reasons include: The arguments don’t relate to what people actually understand ‘gods’ to mean. Often the conclusions reached …

If God is beyond nonexistence, is atheism a waste of time?

It’s not clear what it means for a god to be ‘beyond nonexistence’. But it would seem to imply that the deity in question plays no part in human events or human history, has left no mark on the universe, does not communicate in any way, and has provided no information about himself and his …

Why don’t atheists believe in God when the universe clearly needs God to exist?

If the universe clearly needed a god to exist, then everyone would agree that the universe needed a god to exist. That’s more or less what ‘clearly’ means. Since many people don’t think the universe needs a god to exist, and many many more don’t think it needs your god to exist, you should probably ask yourself why what …

Do most atheists simply not believe in God because of their experience with organized religion?

Most atheists live in China. And a substantial proportion of them don’t believe in gods because they’ve never heard of such things outside the context of fantasy movies and children’s fairy tales. But Western atheists tend to attribute their lack of belief in gods to the lack of evidence for any gods. How and why they came …

Can anything be created without a creator? Why do some people not believe in God?

Nothing can be created without one or more creators. But that’s just a semantic issue. What you really appear to be asking is whether something can come into existence without being created, and the answer is obviously yes; many things, including stars, galaxies and all the living organisms around us today, appear to come into being through the operation of …

Do most people who become atheists do so because of painful and unfair life events where it becomes difficult for them to conceive of a loving God?

This is a popular theist myth, and it’s not hard to see why. If theists can manage to convince themselves that people become atheists for irrational reasons, then it makes their own evidence-free beliefs look better by comparison. But it’s not true. Most people who converted to atheism from some religious belief did so just …

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