How can we test for the occurrence of ‘non-physical’ events?

People who make claims about ‘supernatural’ or ‘paranormal’ phenomena often try to dodge their obligation to present evidence by maintaining that these phenomena are ‘non-physical’, and hence can’t be expected to leave physical traces. Obviously this contradicts many of the other claims they make; for instance, if you can see a ‘ghost’ then it must …

Best Evidence

In courtroom procedure, there is a concept of ‘best evidence’. If you are trying to show that a claim is true, you are obliged to produce the best evidence you can; and if you don’t, then the evidence that you do produce is regarded with scepticism. It implies that something about the ‘best evidence’ would actually damage …

The Acid Test for Real Science: Does it GO somewhere?

There have been a number of studies published in even quite reputable journals which purport to show results indicating that ESP, or ‘psychic’ powers, or ‘supernatural’ phenomena, are real. It’s not always easy for a lay person without a scientific background to understand why these are not taken seriously by sceptics. What is it that …

We’re just not very important. Sorry and all that.

There is clearly a deep-seated and widespread tendency towards megalomania in some members of the human race. Many, many people seem to desperately need to feel that they are in some sense important to the universe. The whole of religion, in fact, can be seen as an expression of the desire to be regarded as …

Is the reason that there isn’t any proof that a god exists because the human consciousness by itself is unable to grasp the entire concept as such if were explained in totality?

Rational people will adopt the simplest and most obvious explanation as why there isn’t any proof that gods exist, and conclude that it’s because no gods exist. If and when we find that there’s any flaw in this reasoning, then we can change our minds and consider other possibilities; but until then there is no reason …

I cannot define who or what God is. How can I assert that there is no God when I cannot define who or what God is?

You’re trying to turn a bug into a feature. If any gods existed, then you would certainly know about them and their properties, and along with the other people who believed in them, you would be able to come up with a coherent description on which you could all agree. The things that nobody can agree on …

Can atheists convince me that God doesn’t exist?

Probably not; nor is there any reason why they would particularly want to. Whatever you believe, if you have access to the Internet, you can easily find cases where other people cling strongly to convictions which you regard as self-evidently wrong and deluded. If they haven’t been convinced by your arguments, why should others expect you to be convinced by theirs? …

On ‘witnesses’ to Biblical ‘miracles’

It’s quite common when debating theists to start off with what seems like a reasonable and lucid exchange of ideas, only to have your opponent suddenly come out with some claim so staggeringly bizarre or naive that you’re at a loss to respond. And one of the most common of these is the claim that …

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