As an atheist, how would you argue against the Fibonacci sequence as proof of the teleological argument?

It’s not necessary to argue against the Fibonacci sequence as proof of the teleological argument for gods, because it’s not one. And anyone who is capable of understanding any kind of argument at all can already see that.

Can mathematics prove the existence of God?

Mathematics is a closed, self-contained system which allows us to draw conclusions from certain basic axioms by following rules of deduction. But since neither the axioms nor the rules of deduction contain any reference to gods, there’s no way we can draw any conclusions about gods from mathematics. You can’t get something out of a …

Evolutionists estimate the probability that “life arose by itself” is practically 0. Why do so many people believe in the theory?

We have very little information about the conditions under which life arose, how it happened, and how long it took, so anyone who claims to be able to estimate its probability is either fooling themselves or trying to fool their audience. We simply don’t know how likely life is to appear on an earth-like planet; …

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