Why do people use science to back up their claim that there is no God? From what I can gather, there is no scientific proof either way or the other.

The absence of any evidence for gods is the proof that they don’t exist. If super-powered sky folks actually were running the universe, then we would expect to know all about it, just as the citizens in the Marvel Comic Universe know all about the Avengers. Nobody has ever given us a convincing reason why gods, if …

I learned in a university class that proving that something does not exist is very hard to do. Given that is true, how could we know for sure religions or a God does not exist?

It really depends what you mean by ‘proof’. Many people—possibly including the people who ‘taught’ you this—seem to think that ‘proving’ something to them means ‘making me say something I don’t want to’. If you accept that definition, then it’s clear that you can’t prove a negative, or a positive, or anything else, to someone who’s stubborn …

Can atheists convince me that God doesn’t exist?

Probably not; nor is there any reason why they would particularly want to. Whatever you believe, if you have access to the Internet, you can easily find cases where other people cling strongly to convictions which you regard as self-evidently wrong and deluded. If they haven’t been convinced by your arguments, why should others expect you to be convinced by theirs? …

‘You might be wrong!’ is not an argument

So many of the questions atheists are asked on Quora and elsewhere boil down to a simple formula: “You might be wrong!” In the following example I’ve tried to show why this is a futile and vacuous assertion. The scene is a university lecture theatre. Professor Wai is speaking: PROFESSOR: “Thus we can see that …

OF COURSE you can prove a negative!

The commonly-made claim or assertion that ‘you can’t prove a negative’ is simply wrong. The fact is that science — i.e. empirical investigation — can prove negatives, and does so all the time. If scientists want to prove there is no connection between a particular treatment and a particular condition, they apply the treatment and test for …

Can you give any conclusive evidence that proves that God does not exist?

Every day pretty much every person on the planet looks at a road, sees that there are no cars coming, and concludes it’s safe to cross. Or looks in the fridge, sees there’s no butter, and puts it on the shopping list. Or looks in their wallet or purse for money, sees there’s none there, …

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