What would atheists do if God’s existence was undeniably proven?

That would depend entirely on the nature of the god whose existence has been ‘proven’, and how that proof has been obtained. Theists often don’t realise that we have, at present, no information at all about any real gods. And the stories we are told about them all contradict each other, and often contradict themselves. So anyone …

What if we learn in the future that…

.. gods exist? … there is an afterlife? … etc, etc? Simple answer: if and when we learn anything in the future which indicates that we’re wrong now, then — if we are reasonable — we will change our minds. That’s not hard or uncommon; all of us do it at least fifty times every day. Changing our minds in …

What besides the lack of evidence for the existence of a God(s) brings you to the point of certainty no evidence will ever be found (please answer personally)?

Certainly evidence may one day be found for something answering the description of ‘a god’, just as evidence may one day be found for the existence of a fairy or a unicorn. But: We don’t have that evidence right now, so there’s no reason to believe in gods (or fairies or unicorns) right now. We don’t have …

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