We’re just not very important. Sorry and all that.

There is clearly a deep-seated and widespread tendency towards megalomania in some members of the human race. Many, many people seem to desperately need to feel that they are in some sense important to the universe. The whole of religion, in fact, can be seen as an expression of the desire to be regarded as …

Considering we still don’t know much about quantum physics, extraterrestrial life or our human origins, why do people insist so confidently that there is no god?

Because there are reasons why we don’t know much about quantum physics, extraterrestrial life or our human origins. People who have studied these topics acknowledge that it’s very difficult to construct experiments or carry out observations which can help us to understand them. We are dealing with things which are very small, which are very far away, …

Can we solidly rule out that ‘Oumuamua was an alien probe – after finishing a 1.5 year long observation of it never accelerating, during its entire (slow) trip through our Solar System?

We can ‘solidly rule out’ any claim for which there is no evidence, and this appears to be one of them. If and when some evidence appears, then we can reconsider the claim; until then there’s no reason to.

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