“Goddidit” is not an explanation

Mr Harris? Hello. I’m Sue from the insurance company. I’ve come to value your artwork. Oh, yes, hello. Do come in. What a lovely house you have here! Is this the piece you want valued? That’s it, yes. How much did it cost? No idea. It was here when I moved in. It’s fascinating. How …

Atheists, why is the universe so orderly? Why is everything not just chaotic?

The universe certainly started out chaotic, with subatomic particles flying every which way at high speeds. But over time certain things happened: Particles collided. Some of them annihilated each other, some of them bounced apart at lower speeds, having lost energy in the collision, and some of them joined together. Those that joined together began …

Best Evidence

In courtroom procedure, there is a concept of ‘best evidence’. If you are trying to show that a claim is true, you are obliged to produce the best evidence you can; and if you don’t, then the evidence that you do produce is regarded with scepticism. It implies that something about the ‘best evidence’ would actually damage …

Jermey’s Wager

Here’s Jermey’s Wager: If gods don’t exist, there’s nothing to lose by not believing in them. If gods exist and are reasonable, they won’t penalise you for following the evidence and refusing to believe in them. So there’s nothing to lose by not believing in them. If gods exist and are not reasonable, there’s no way of …

Christian Nobel Laureates

Some Christians like to try and make a big deal about the number of professed Christian Nobel Laureates. They usually get their information from here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Christian_Nobel_laureates So I decided to do a little analysis. Here’s a chart of Christian Nobel Laureates as a proportion of the total, both on a yearly basis and cumulatively over …

Don’t both science and religion require that at some point something came from nothing?

At various times both science and some established religions have argued that the universe is cyclic, and simply goes through the same series of cosmic events over and over again. Another popular scientific theory in the past was that the universe is in a ‘steady state’, with new matter constantly being created at its core. …

Is the reason that there isn’t any proof that a god exists because the human consciousness by itself is unable to grasp the entire concept as such if were explained in totality?

Rational people will adopt the simplest and most obvious explanation as why there isn’t any proof that gods exist, and conclude that it’s because no gods exist. If and when we find that there’s any flaw in this reasoning, then we can change our minds and consider other possibilities; but until then there is no reason …

You cannot understand the glories of the universe without believing there is some supreme power behind it. What does that mean?

It’s not clear what you suppose the ‘glories of the universe’ to be, or what you think it means to ‘understand’ them, but there’s no evidence to show that people who don’t believe in ‘supreme powers’ are any less savvy or well-informed about cosmology and astronomy than believers are. What it means is that yet …

Do atheists have a conviction that they “know” that God doesn’t exist? If so, how do they maintain this conviction seeing that they are finite and know very little of what can be known?

You are probably very, very certain that there are no live elephants in the room there with you right now. In fact you are probably so certain as to claim that you ‘know’ it for a fact. And if someone asked you ‘How do you know?’ you would probably respond by saying that live elephants were big and …

Have atheists ever asked God Himself if He is real and if the Bible is true?

Many atheists have, back when they were believers, and got no answer. Most of us are quite happy to do it again, if you can put forward the slightest reason to think that we will get an objective answer. But it would be a lot less work for your god if he just turned up and gave …

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