Why do people, after being shown that the King James Bible is true, still refuse to believe it?

Nobody has ever been shown that the King James Bible is true, in its entirety. It’s an impossible task, because the KJB contradicts itself in many places, like every other authorised Bible. Many people have been told that the KJB is true in its entirety, but they generally have no particular reason to trust the authority of …

On ‘witnesses’ to Biblical ‘miracles’

It’s quite common when debating theists to start off with what seems like a reasonable and lucid exchange of ideas, only to have your opponent suddenly come out with some claim so staggeringly bizarre or naive that you’re at a loss to respond. And one of the most common of these is the claim that …

If you believe the Bible is fiction, then why would anyone want to write such a work?

Nobody wrote ‘The Bible’. The Bible as we know it today (and there are many different versions) was assembled from a large number of texts to provide a more or less consistent historical background for the current doctrines of the Christian Church. Many of the discarded texts are still extant and include stories of characters …

What are the scientific hypotheses behind the miracles of Christ?

The most popular and most credible hypothesis behind the ‘miracles of Christ’—and any other ‘miracles’—is that they didn’t happen. This is supported by the very common observation that people like to make stuff up, particularly when they find it entertaining, and believe that they’re supporting a benevolent cause. Every religion has miracle stories, and every …

As an atheist, how can you prove Christ never existed?

It’s not necessary to ‘prove’ it. There may well have been one or more itinerant preachers in first-century Palestine who said or did things on which some details of the Jesus stories are based. There is some, slight, evidence for this. But that’s irrelevant to the truth of Christianity, which claims that one of these …

If the original 10 Commandments were found and proven to be authentic, would people change their ways and try to live better lives that were more in line with the 10 Commandments?

You’re assuming ‘better lives’ are synonymous with ‘lives more in line with the Ten Commandments’. But that’s certainly not proven, and many people would disagree with you. The basic question here seems to be ‘Would we do what a god wants if we knew what it was?’ And the answer must be: ‘It depends on what he …

What logic do atheists use to refute the resurrection of Christ?

It’s not necessary to use ‘logic’ except in the trivial sense of pointing out that where there is no reliable evidence that an extraordinary event took place, it’s reasonable to assume that it didn’t. People in the ancient world weren’t stupid. They knew how the universe works. If a miracle-working superhero had genuinely lived and …

Not to know the Bible is, in some ways, to be illiterate, to neglect the very roots of philosophy, art, architecture, literature, poetry and music? Why or why not is this true?

It’s not true because it ignores the numerous cultures that were producing prose, poetry, plays, music, art and architecture long before the Bible was written, and have continued to do so up to the present day with little or no influence from the Bible. The Bible has certainly played an important role in Western culture. …

Is there any valid proof that the miracles in the Bible did not happen as written?

If the miracles described in the Bible occurred, then our understanding of physics is wrong. But we have—literally—billions of observations under highly controlled conditions which confirm that our understanding of physics is correct. All we have for the miracles in the Bible are old stories by and about people who can’t be traced and don’t …

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