Is the reason that there isn’t any proof that a god exists because the human consciousness by itself is unable to grasp the entire concept as such if were explained in totality?

Rational people will adopt the simplest and most obvious explanation as why there isn’t any proof that gods exist, and conclude that it’s because no gods exist. If and when we find that there’s any flaw in this reasoning, then we can change our minds and consider other possibilities; but until then there is no reason …

What would an atheist accept as proof for God that cannot be smelled, touched, seen, heard or tasted?

Different atheists have different criteria for ‘proof’ of the existence of gods, but none of these criteria have ever been met. But why should we have any criterion that doesn’t involve sense-data in some way? Our senses are the most reliable and effective method that we have for determining what’s real. Anyone claiming the existence of some …

If God is beyond nonexistence, is atheism a waste of time?

It’s not clear what it means for a god to be ‘beyond nonexistence’. But it would seem to imply that the deity in question plays no part in human events or human history, has left no mark on the universe, does not communicate in any way, and has provided no information about himself and his …

I cannot define who or what God is. How can I assert that there is no God when I cannot define who or what God is?

You’re trying to turn a bug into a feature. If any gods existed, then you would certainly know about them and their properties, and along with the other people who believed in them, you would be able to come up with a coherent description on which you could all agree. The things that nobody can agree on …

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