If God exists, then why wouldn’t He speak to me when I need him the most?

You’re not alone. There is no reliable indication that any gods have ever communicated with anyone, or even exist at all. Any expectations that you have for their behaviour are based on unevidenced claims about them made by other human beings; and these claims are notoriously unreliable. Why do you think an all-powerful creator of universes, if it …

Would you presume to be more righteous than God by challenging the judgements of God?

There are no ‘judgements of God’ because gods don’t exist. All the actions of gods that we have reported to us come from the mouths and pens of human writers, and are as much open to criticism as any other fictional accounts which depict a particular kind of morality and a particular method of decision-making. …

Are atheists upset when people tell them God will make them a believer?

Generally not, unless they’re expected to acquiesce in the claim. Atheists are told many unevidenced things by theists, and this is by no means the least credible. Any atheist who bothers debating theists at all soon learns to rebut or simply ignore the unsupported, evidence-free claims that they usually find themselves facing. Anad hominem assertion of …

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