I cannot define who or what God is. How can I assert that there is no God when I cannot define who or what God is?

You’re trying to turn a bug into a feature. If any gods existed, then you would certainly know about them and their properties, and along with the other people who believed in them, you would be able to come up with a coherent description on which you could all agree. The things that nobody can agree on …

What would atheists do if God’s existence was undeniably proven?

That would depend entirely on the nature of the god whose existence has been ‘proven’, and how that proof has been obtained. Theists often don’t realise that we have, at present, no information at all about any real gods. And the stories we are told about them all contradict each other, and often contradict themselves. So anyone …

Did something extraordinary happen while I wasn’t paying attention which made worldwide headlines and changed the course of history?

Almost certainly not. So many people on Quora keep asking questions of the form ‘Has this happened?’ where ‘this’ is something which would break physics. Obviously they haven’t thought things through. Stuff that breaks physics is important, and important stuff makes headlines. If ghosts, or ESP, or an afterlife are proven to exist, you won’t …

Atheists: if Thor appeared carrying a magic hammer, smiting down the unrighteous with lightning; would you just say ‘Oh, powerful alien from another dimension, nope, no god there’?

Atheists in general are not stupid, or in denial. If something extraordinary like this happened, then atheists would acknowledge that something extraordinary was happening. And the reason they would do so would be because there was tangible, objective, public evidence of it—something conspicuously lacking from the claims made by people who claim that gods really do exist. …

What if God is not…

… inside time and space? … in our dimension? … comprehensible to human minds? … etc, etc… The short answer is that if a god is any of these things, then he (or she, or it) is irrelevant. Something ‘outside time and space’ — whatever that means — can have no impact or interest or value …

How can I understand atheists? When we are on our deathbeds, How do we not grasp at the God we’ve always heard about just in the ‘hopes’ that He will give us everlasting life?

Some atheists have never ‘heard about’ any gods, so they simply rely on their own observations to conclude that there are no such things. ‘Grasping at’ a god would be as alien to them as expecting the Moon to come down and save them, or hoping to be carried off to reincarnate in Hollywood movies …

Is it proof that god exists when you ask for strength/support/help he always comes to help you?

If gods ‘always’ or even sometimes, arrived to help people when they were asked to, that would certainly be proof of their existence. But there’s no reason to think that they do. People who do unquestionably exist demonstrate that by turning up in person, and in public, and making themselves available. If I ask for help from …

If God appeared to the world and demonstrated his existence, would atheists fall to their knees and offer worship?

Atheists are as pragmatic as anyone else. If a super-powered being threatened to cause us harm or distress if we didn’t ‘worship it’—whatever that actually means—and demonstrated that it was willing and able to do so, then most of us would worship it, just as most of us currently obey unjust laws and petty regulations …

Are atheists upset when people tell them God will make them a believer?

Generally not, unless they’re expected to acquiesce in the claim. Atheists are told many unevidenced things by theists, and this is by no means the least credible. Any atheist who bothers debating theists at all soon learns to rebut or simply ignore the unsupported, evidence-free claims that they usually find themselves facing. Anad hominem assertion of …

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