What do most atheists find unconvincing about the teleological argument for the existence of God and the resurrection argument for the theological truth of Christianity?

If I claim there is an elephant in your bathroom, and I want you to believe me, then what I need to do is simple and obvious: show you the elephant. If I take you into the lounge instead and say: “Look, isn’t the lounge lovely! Could it possibly have got this way if there wasn’t …

On ‘witnesses’ to Biblical ‘miracles’

It’s quite common when debating theists to start off with what seems like a reasonable and lucid exchange of ideas, only to have your opponent suddenly come out with some claim so staggeringly bizarre or naive that you’re at a loss to respond. And one of the most common of these is the claim that …

What are the scientific hypotheses behind the miracles of Christ?

The most popular and most credible hypothesis behind the ‘miracles of Christ’—and any other ‘miracles’—is that they didn’t happen. This is supported by the very common observation that people like to make stuff up, particularly when they find it entertaining, and believe that they’re supporting a benevolent cause. Every religion has miracle stories, and every …

As an atheist, how can you prove Christ never existed?

It’s not necessary to ‘prove’ it. There may well have been one or more itinerant preachers in first-century Palestine who said or did things on which some details of the Jesus stories are based. There is some, slight, evidence for this. But that’s irrelevant to the truth of Christianity, which claims that one of these …

What logic do atheists use to refute the resurrection of Christ?

It’s not necessary to use ‘logic’ except in the trivial sense of pointing out that where there is no reliable evidence that an extraordinary event took place, it’s reasonable to assume that it didn’t. People in the ancient world weren’t stupid. They knew how the universe works. If a miracle-working superhero had genuinely lived and …

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