Atheists: if Thor appeared carrying a magic hammer, smiting down the unrighteous with lightning; would you just say ‘Oh, powerful alien from another dimension, nope, no god there’?

Atheists in general are not stupid, or in denial. If something extraordinary like this happened, then atheists would acknowledge that something extraordinary was happening. And the reason they would do so would be because there was tangible, objective, public evidence of it—something conspicuously lacking from the claims made by people who claim that gods really do exist. …

With the revelation that DNA now proves humans are not related to any other mammals on earth, why is the “Theory of Evolution” still presented in educational books as a plausible reality?

Because this ‘revelation’ is completely untrue, and anyone with a basic understanding of biology will immediately recognise it as such. But if you are proposing divine creation as an alternative to evolution, then you will need a plausible answer to the simple question of why an all-powerful creator needed to use DNA at all, for …

The ‘Two Babies’ analogy – what’s wrong with it?

You can find the original analogy at: A Conversation Between Two Babies Inside A Mother’s Womb What’s wrong with it is that the second baby is guessing. He or she happens to be guessing right, because that’s the way the person who wrote the story made it happen. So what? I can write a story which includes …

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