Atheists, why is the universe so orderly? Why is everything not just chaotic?

The universe certainly started out chaotic, with subatomic particles flying every which way at high speeds. But over time certain things happened: Particles collided. Some of them annihilated each other, some of them bounced apart at lower speeds, having lost energy in the collision, and some of them joined together. Those that joined together began …

We’re just not very important. Sorry and all that.

There is clearly a deep-seated and widespread tendency towards megalomania in some members of the human race. Many, many people seem to desperately need to feel that they are in some sense important to the universe. The whole of religion, in fact, can be seen as an expression of the desire to be regarded as …

If God didn’t exist, how do atheists explain that the Earth is very rarely struck by meteorites, whereas all of the neighboring planets such as Moon and Mars are frequently hit by meteorites and their surfaces are full of craters?

It’s estimated that from 37,000 to 78,000 tonnes of matter arrives on earth from outer space every year, including around 84,000 intact meteorites. Others burn up in the atmosphere. How many meteorites hit Earth each year? (Intermediate) There are reasons why meteorite impact craters are not as visible on earth as some of the other …

Is the fine tuning argument good proof of God?

No; it gets cause and effect completely the wrong way round. In the first place, the universe is not a perfect place for humans and other organisms to live; and we can see that by the vast numbers of them that die from sickness or violence before they reach old age—or even maturity. Most creatures born on …

Why is our universe fine-tuned for life?

It’s not. Life is fine-tuned to our universe, or rather to those tiny corners of it where life is possible at all. 99.9999999999% of our universe is, as far as we know, entirely without life, and any living thing placed in that portion of it would die within minutes. But the universe is sufficiently diverse …

Can we solidly rule out that ‘Oumuamua was an alien probe – after finishing a 1.5 year long observation of it never accelerating, during its entire (slow) trip through our Solar System?

We can ‘solidly rule out’ any claim for which there is no evidence, and this appears to be one of them. If and when some evidence appears, then we can reconsider the claim; until then there’s no reason to.

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