Being an atheist, how can an explanation be given that a blind force has created something as “advanced” as human consciousness?

Evolution by natural selection is not a blind force, or a force of any kind. It’s a description of a process extending over billions of years, which involves millions of different forces operating in millions of different ways on millions of different individuals. Some of these forces are blind; others are directed and purposeful, and …

What is one of the most stubborn problems facing evolutionists?

If by ‘evolutionists’ you mean ‘people who accept the overwhelming evidence in favour of the theory of speciation by evolution’, then the single biggest problem facing them would probably be the large numbers of other people who, largely due to their religious indoctrination, are unable or unwilling to accept that evidence, and can’t understand that …

Do Evolutionists categorically reject the concept of intelligent design because they associate that expression with Creationism?

Rational people reject the concept of intelligent design because it is unsupported by even the slightest evidence. And the same is true of any other account of speciation, with the exception of evolutionary theory. Someone proposing an alternative to evolutionary theory not only has to find evidence for their alternative; they also have to explain …

Who agrees that if evolution resulted in every living species, the first cell had the entire genome for all of those future species?

This would be true if there was no potential for mutation in the genome. But there is, and we can see it at work every day in any large maternity ward or animal breeding centre. Most of the mutations that happen—for various reasons—are deleterious and even deadly, but there are enough neutral and positive ones to endow …

Could Darwin have been wrong about evolution, considering he only observed microevolution?

Darwin could have been wrong. Any researcher can be wrong about anything. But there is no evidence that Darwin was wrong, and hence no reason to entertain the possibility that he was for even a microsecond. The origin of species is not a topic where there are multiple valid points of view. There is one position—evolutionary theory—which is supported by all the …

Is theistic evolution just as plausible as atheistic evolution?

It’s plausible, if you believe in gods at all, but only because it’s vacuous. It’s saying, in effect: “A being we know nothing about did something mysterious at a remote and unknown point in time for inscrutable reasons, and then carefully concealed any evidence that it had done so.” You can’t disprove it, but that …

If evolution is a fact then why is there no proof?

Science doesn’t do ‘proof’. It recognises that humans are limited and fallible, and that any answers we come up with may turn out to be wrong. Unlike religion, it doesn’t claim to have a hotline to eternal truths about reality; so, unlike religion, when science turns out to be wrong, it can put itself right. …

Why has the majority of the world accepted the fact of our existence upon an unproven scientific theory?

If you’re referring to the Theory of Evolution, then it’s about as ‘proven’ as a theory can get. There are many petabytes of data supporting it in every detail, and no evidence whatsoever that it is wrong in any important respect. It makes sense of everything we know about modern biology and all its vital …

With the revelation that DNA now proves humans are not related to any other mammals on earth, why is the “Theory of Evolution” still presented in educational books as a plausible reality?

Because this ‘revelation’ is completely untrue, and anyone with a basic understanding of biology will immediately recognise it as such. But if you are proposing divine creation as an alternative to evolution, then you will need a plausible answer to the simple question of why an all-powerful creator needed to use DNA at all, for …

Why do some scientists still believe Darwinism explains all life?

There is no such thing as ‘Darwinism’. The theory of evolution by natural selection, which is what you are probably referring to, doesn’t attempt to explain ‘all life’. What it explains is how and why new species come into being. Evolutionary theory has nothing specific to say about the origins of life, although it does …

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