Are all life forms carbon-based?

We understand (sort of) how the atomic properties of carbon work in enabling it to make the vast numbers of constantly changing molecules necessary for life as we know it to exist and function. We don’t know of any ways in which any other element could play a similar role in life elsewhere. But that …

Can anything be created without a creator? Why do some people not believe in God?

Nothing can be created without one or more creators. But that’s just a semantic issue. What you really appear to be asking is whether something can come into existence without being created, and the answer is obviously yes; many things, including stars, galaxies and all the living organisms around us today, appear to come into being through the operation of …

For legitimate hardcore atheists and scientists, how many times have you seen life emerge from a few chemicals mixed together in soup-like conditions?

Just as often as theists have seen gods creating life—or doing anything at all—which is to say, never. But we can explain how it might happen.

Will any atheist explain how abiogenesis is possible, in their own words, since without it there is no beginning of human evolution?

First we ask a theist to write down in detail what events they think the immaterial gods caused to happen, and how, in order to bring life into existence. Then we go through that document and cross out any reference to gods. There we have an account of how life can come into being through …

Since consciousness exists in our universe, does this mean that the universe itself is “programmed” to create life and that life is not merely a random product? (I am an atheist btw)

There is no evidence for this. Life seems important to us because we wouldn’t be here without it; but from the universe’s point of view it’s just one way of arranging atoms among quintillions, and not necessarily the most complex or the most sustainable. There’s nothing particularly special about life unless you happen to be …

How can you reject God as a viable option for the universe and the creation of life?

Nobody rejects gods as an option. It’s entirely possible that gods of some kind were involved in the creation of the universe and/or life. But there is no evidence of it. And that makes it just one of an infinite number of unevidenced possibilities, no one of which is any more likely to be true than any other. …

This is what creationists have to explain

Explanations couched in terms of physical events provide a starting point for investigation. They can lead us to ask what events would have been necessary, how they could have come about, and what evidence, if any, they would have left behind them. The more unlikely or badly-supported hypotheses of this kind can be eliminated, and …

The Marathon of Science

The 2017 Boston Marathon — the elite male runners begin the race. Atheist: So, who do you think will win? Theist: Obviously, nobody will win. By the time you get to the end of the video, they’ve barely started. They’ve only covered a tiny distance. And a marathon is a long way. Atheist: Yes, but the video …

What exactly do you find wrong with creationism? Is it because it supports the idea we are created by an intelligent designer or is it something else entirely?

What exactly is wrong with it is that it is not correct. It is demonstrably incorrect. In fact, it’s completely absurd. If it had no history, and someone put it forward today as a scientific explanation for how ‘we’ came into being, nobody would take it seriously for a second. Most of the people who claim …

Why didn’t life originate again since it has been 4.5 billion years since the Earth was formed and first life originated 3.5 billion years ago (if common origin and Darwinism are true)?

There are several possibilities here, including: The conditions on the early earth under which life came into being are not duplicated anywhere on earth currently. Life came into being once under a specific and highly unusual set of circumstances which happens only once on average every few billion years. New life is coming into being …

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