Don’t you find it odd that the more we remove God from the world, the worse this world gets?

‘The world’ for most humans is getting objectively better on every recognised scale. And people who live in secular countries tend to be happier, richer, longer-lived and more productive than those who live in predominantly religious countries. The notion that the world is getting worse is a theist myth fostered by apocalyptic movements that feed …

To my atheist and agnostic friends did you realize that in spite of your anti religious beliefs, most of you include and use religious based things in your life to improve your quality of living?

If ‘being invented by a believer’ makes an item or technique ‘religion-based’, then yes, pretty much everything invented before 1960 will be ‘religion-based’, because up to that point pretty much everyone was a believer, or claimed they were. But so what? The fact that believers can invent or devise things doesn’t tell us anything about …

Is the absence of God in people’s lives the reason why there is so little peace and contentment?

‘Peace and contentment’ are not well-defined terms, and there’s no objective way of knowing whether anyone has a god in their lives, or if such things even exist. But generally speaking, the nations in which only a small proportion of the population believes in gods are more peaceful and contented than those in which a high proportion …

What if I’m not OK with you being an atheist?

If you’re ‘not OK’ with someone’s being an atheist, then you have two choices: Present them with conclusive proof that your theism is correct, in the shape of a real, physical god demonstrating his powers in person and in public. Go away and talk to someone else. Since nobody has ever achieved the first of …

As an atheist, how do you explain to your young children that god does not exist, yet it is normal that most of their friends, and society in general, believe otherwise?

Generally speaking, children will assume that their parents are correct unless they have a convincing reason to think otherwise. It’s not necessary to ‘explain’ why unless there’s some good reason to. They will know from a very early age that their parents don’t agree with other parents on some things, but this will generally not …

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