State M: how atheists can achieve spirituality

The time has come at last to reveal one of the best-kept secrets of atheism. Finally, after centuries of scorn and derision from theists, a directive by the Grand Council of Unbelief has authorised me to acknowledge that atheism, too, has its condition of spiritual epiphany and apotheosis, where the atheist achieves a new level …

What are the best ways to offer spiritual comfort to atheists who have no spiritual belief?

Not all atheists have ‘no spiritual belief’. But even for those who do, practical help and support beats ‘spiritual comfort’ any day. Buy them a drink. cook them dinner, clean their house, do the washing up, organise a party for them, run their errands. That’s a much better way of indicating genuine sympathy and concern …

How can an atheist explain the spiritual world?

What is ‘the spiritual world’? Can you get, say, fifty people from different religious and mystical traditions to agree on what ‘the spiritual world’ is, and what its constituents are? Because without that, there isn’t anything to explain. Some people believe in things for which they have no evidence. If they all happened to believe …

Is there any scientific evidence of spirituality?

Science deals in phenomena that can be defined, identified and replicated. Since no two people can agree on what ‘spirituality’ is or how to identify it, science has no way of approaching it. If and when phenomena that are generally agreed to be ‘spiritual’ can be repeated, in public, on demand, then they will be …

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